Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Making The Most Of The Last Days Of Summer

I don't have official school aged kids yet.  But for some reason I am still affected by the fact school is starting so soon!  Now, normally this would be an exciting time for me, with the anticipation of Fall and all the cooking, baking, crafting and college football that it entails!  The morning air getting crisper, leaves beginning to change, etc.  It should all be so exciting right?!  WRONG!  I'm having a hard time wanting to let go of my favorite season this year!  Maybe it's because I spent the better part of June indoors, with my newborn, walking around zombie-like! (Not complaining!  I love the cuddle time with little Q.  Just wish I could be in 2 places at once!)  Maybe not wanting to let go of summer has to do with June being a rather dismal month with all of the rain!(Again, not complaining now because the mountains that should be turning different colors, are still a vibrant green!)  The fact is though, that I haven't participated as much as I'd like in the late night movies in the backyard, or the evening sno-cone runs!  All of the little things that make summer what it is at our house!  Luckily Kimble has kept up with all of our fun traditions so Ace and Indee haven't missed out!  It's just been an adventure having a new little one this time of year and making sure her needs are met first, but also wanting to try and do all the fun stuff!:)  So, starting next week hearing kids playing for endless hours outside will be replaced by drab silence.  And the old familiar sound of the school bus roaring through the neighborhood in the early morning will be back!  This season has gone by WAY too fast!  So I am determined to make the most of the last precious summer days and nights with lots of half melting popsicles on the front porch!  Finding some hidden inner energy to go back outside once I've tucked Q in bed and cuddle Kimble, Ace and Ind while we watch movies under the stars!  Letting my kiddies swim to their heart's content!  Maybe I'll get a little crazy and let them skip nap time!;)  A few more sno cone runs and BBQUES!  This is what summer is all about...The sun rising early and setting late!  What are some of your "last days of summer" plans?  Do tell! 
A few reasons why this is my favorite time of year!



  1. LOVE these kidlets to pieces. Said with gritted teeth. :)

  2. Kara...Lori told me about this blog a little while ago and I have been checking in without commenting. I have loved some of the recipes and seeing your cute kids! Anyway, I too had a newborn this year and feel like the summer has gone much too fast. So because of this post, I sat outside with the two olders and counted stars tonight. So what that they got in bed at 10. It was great!
    Hope you enjoy these last few weeks of summer...
    Sue (Johnson) Schwab
    p.s. I love the banana bread recipe!
