Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My sweet Hadden sucking on some melon at the pool.

How was your Fourth? Did you dig the long weekend as much as we did? I was sorta going through withdrawls today after all the Fourth of July celebrating....kinda like the feeling you get the night of Christmas day- melancholy and sad that all the magic and anticipation is over. I feel like every Fourth of July is special, but there was just something about this year that was extra fun and wonderful.

Here are a few iphone shots from our scooter/motorcycle candy bombing that we do every year along the parade route. In a nutshell, the night before the parade, we ride down and toss candy to kids and families who are camping out along the parade route to save spots. It's such a fun tradition and our whole entire family looks forward to it (Kara talks a little about it in the following post.)
Cutie pie cousins, Lily and Grace ready to roll. They were so excited to be apart of all the madness.
Brother Mack riding is Father-in-laws vintage bike. I wanted to punch him in the face because he looked so cool.
On our way!
Mom (the architect behind the parade candy bombing) and Kara at nights end.

I'll see you on Friday with a recipe! Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!

all images by Briana

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