Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Three-Oh Giveaway Winner and Birthday Jazz

First off, thanks so much for all your comments and birthday wishes. You all are gems! I read through all of your favorites and every last one brought a smile to my face and has got me curious and wanting to try new things.

The winner of the giveaway (chosen through is SARAH whose favorites are: Essie nail polish, Moleskin notebooks and exploring new places. Email me at with your address and I'll send you the goods right away. Congratulations Sarah!

To beef up this post, I want to share some iphone snaps from my birthday weekend. My family all had a sleepover in Park City on Friday night and then on Saturday (my actual birthday) Randy, Lily, Hadden and I headed down to Salt Lake City to do a little dining and shopping. My family's all been pretty busy lately, especially my parents, and it meant so much to me that they took the time out to celebrate turning 30 with me. It was an excellent birthday!
My Lily and Kara's Acey. These two cousins were so stoked to be in Park City, at the hotel and to be having a sleepover. I totally remember being like that when I was little. Do you?
Pizza from Maxwell's. Love me a good thin crust pizza.
Mom brought up lots of delights from The Chocolate, particularly these Madagascar Vanilla cupcakes. These change lives! (said with fist pumped in the air)
Milk. Us Asay's are really serious about milk with desserts. Especially Jason, who is a connoisseur of chocolate milks.
Brother Jason. Being an idiot.
Brother Bryce getting a good belly laugh out of my little Hadden. He should write a book and/or win an award for getting small children to belly laugh.
Jason holding Indee, Mama, and Kara....Who is going to have a baby in about three weeks?!?! Has she mentioned that yet on this here blog?
My daddy and me. That giant cake in front of us is german chocolate. My dad ordered just the chocolate sheet cake from Magleby's (a local restaurant) and then made the coconut-pecan frosting from scratch. German chocolate cake has been my favorite since the womb.
Relaxing. Had to wear boots cause it was blizzzarding outside. The day before I was wearing sandals!?
Saturday morning snuggling in bed. These girls like to sleep in and so do we.
Breakfast of my dad's cheesy eggs (he was calling them "Muscle Eggs" on this particular morning) and Christmas potatoes. He's always coming up with cool names for his food.

Thanks for obliging me and letting me share these. I hope you're all having an excellent week so far. See ya soon!


  1. Bri, your bangs are hot! Love 'em! Glad you had such a fun birthday weekend - you deserve it. Thanks for sharing the pics - especially the one of Jason being stupid. I can't believe I still haven't been to The Chocolate! First item of business when I get back from my trip.

  2. Awww! I loved all of these photos! I love your family and miss you all so much! I loved, "said with fist pump in the air." Oh man, you Asay's are too much fun. No, I had no idea that Kara's pregnant. Congrats to her! And you all look great! I love your parents. I haven't seen photos of them in years. I need to come visit.

  3. Haley- Thanks!

    Meg- You're so sweet. We all need to come visit you in Hawaii. :)

  4. These are such cute photos and Congratulations to Kara on the new to come baby! Can I just say that I'm drooling over your b-day cake, and if your dad wouldn't mind making another one and sending it to Texas, that would be great! :)

  5. Muriel- The cake was sooooo good. Especially when we nuked the slices for 15 seconds. YUM.
