Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy LOVE Day!

Hope you're all having an excellent Valentines so far! Do you have any fun plans? I'm spending it with my two little girls and Randy. I think we're gonna go get a burger at Five-Guys and then we'll go wherever the wind blows us after that. Maybe we'll go to one of our favorite bakeries in Utah, The Chocolate. So, so good. If you live near Orem, you should definitely make plans to go. The chocolate caramel cupcakes and the madagascar vanilla cake are Kara and I's favorites. The cazookie is also dynamite. Anywhoo, before I sign off for the day, I want to share with you a cookie (pictured above) that my sis-in-law, Britt, made in the spirit of Valentines. It's got ooey gooey marshmallow in it and chocolate! Click ((HERE)) for the recipe.




  1. I didn't even know about The Chocolate. Maybe my lil' guy and I will take a trip there today:) Love bakeries. And these cookies look amazing!

  2. I keep passing that place and wanting to go in. Come on - it's called The Chocolate - what could be better than that? I like Five Guys - their meat is so flavorful. Happy V-day!

  3. Happy V Day! I'm making John those Heart pizzas you blogged about a few days ago! Hope they turn out! Have fun... that place looks awesome. I saw those cookies on her blog and they look yummy!!
