Monday, January 10, 2011

A Favor To Ask

So, I planned to post the lasagna I made yesterday today. But the lasagna didn't turn out and didn't taste all that great. Sometimes that's what happens with recipes-- you make them and they turn out awesome on the first try and then others take some trial and error. I feel bad that this post leaves you empty handed and want you to know that I'm sorry. With that said, could I ask a teensy favor of you?

Could you leave a comment telling us what sorts of recipes and/or content you are interested in seeing here on talkin chow playin house? Healthy recipes? More fattening recipes (haha)? More crafting? Also, what posts have been your favorites? We want our blog to knock your socks off, so thanks in advance for the feedback!


Kar and Bri

image by Briana


  1. I like fatty stuff/ desserts and crafts are always delightful! That's why I don't cook- the chance it won't turn out. Haha!

  2. I love them all but seeing as my husband is a serious health freak I especially enjoy recipes along those lines! You ladies rock!

  3. well, having just had a baby and feeling a bit on the chubby side, healthy recipes are what i'm looking for at the moment. something to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle so i can feel like myself again. but i'm loving the blog. you guys do such a great job with it!

  4. I love the quick and easy recipes since I don't have too much time after work to fix dinner. Love you guys!

  5. I love desserts and treats. I always seem to look for those first. But my butt could use a few healthy recipes as well.


  6. I really like healthy recipes. I have found some great ones on your blog. Thanks.

  7. I think more party food would be fun and good... and the soups are amazing! Skip healthy things i do want to spend all that time cooking something my family wont want anyway. If i take the time to cook it i want it to be special, we can eat healthy anytime.

  8. more chocolate please and thank you

  9. I have loved EVERY recipe I have tried, you two are an inspiration! I would love to see any ideas you have for healthy toddler food/veggies. My little one is SO picky she won't even eat mashed potatoes. I also think it would be fun to learn how to cook meat better. The best chicken, steak and burgers I have ever had were cooked by your family! Thanks for all you share!

  10. Definitely more healthy recipes!!

  11. I love quick & easy meal recipes but I could also use a lot of help with side dishes. It's easy to come up with a veggie or salad and a meat but something to go with that can get a little tricky day after day.

  12. Maybe some crock pot type foods?

  13. anything and everything! I am loving the super SIMPLE and healthy stuff though, as I am not one to typically spend long hours in the kitchen:) I love you girls and this blog, just keep em comin....

  14. Would you believe that I, of all people, don't have any suggestions? :) You guys are doing everything perfectly.

  15. Don't get too healthy - I like the variety, some healthy some not... Around the holidays I kept checking back to see if there was any special cookies or treats I could bring to parties, things like that. I love the dinners that are quick and easy though, when I plan out my weeks meals, it's nice to log on to see if there are some new main courses for that week. I love every recipe I have tried though! :)

  16. I don't know if you're still reading these, but more vegetarian, i like the idea of crock pot meals, and maybe you could do some simple explanation posts about things that probably seem common sense to you but aren't for people like me. for example, What is the difference between Stock and Broth? Can they be used interchangeably?

  17. Steak sandwiches and texas sheet cake. Best meal ever!!!
