Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Smashed Potatoes Smothered in Pea Gravy

First off, forgive me for the lighting situation going on on this picture. The sun had already set when I made this, so I had to settle for the light from our dining fixture. This may be the case with a lot of pictures now since the days are getting shorter. :(

Secondly, I'm a little sheepish about sharing this recipe, but before you make your mind up about it just yet, read on. My Mom made this when we were growing up and now I make it for my family. My siblings and I would ALWAYS go for seconds. It is comforting, warm, and feels good in the belly. My mom called it pea gravy, but really all it is, is a white sauce with frozen peas added to it. No pureeing or smashing nonsense.

Lastly, you can serve this over a baked potato instead of the smashed potatoes. I was short on time so I opted to boil the potatoes and smash them. Both ways are good! To make it a meal, be sure and serve a green salad on the side. You could also serve some toasted bread on the side as well. This meal may not be fancy, but it's DELICIOUS...and that's all we really want after a busy day, right?

*Begin by prepping the potatoes (scroll down) first and while they are boiling make the pea gravy. This way, everything will come together close to the same time and still be hot*

Recipe for the Pea Gravy (yield: 4-6):

1 cup frozen petite peas (1/2 of 16 oz bag)
2 generous Tbs butter
2 Tbs flour
2 cups milk (I recommend whole or 2%)
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a medium sauce pan over medium-low heat melt 2 Tbs butter. Add 2 Tbs flour to melted butter and whisk vigorously. This mixture will be paste like. Continue to whisk vigorously while slowly pouring in your 2 cups milk. Turn heat up to medium. Whisking often, allow to cook until mixture begins to thicken and slightly bubble. This should take a few minutes. Add frozen peas. Allow the peas to heat all the way through, making sure you are still stirring often. This will take about 5 minutes. When the peas have heated through you may need to add a splash or two of milk if the mixture seems to thick. Now you need to season the pea gravy. Start by adding a couple teaspoons each of salt and pepper. Taste and increase seasonings to your liking. Serve pea gravy immediately over smashed or baked potatoes.

Recipe for Smashed Potatoes (yield 4-6):

4 mediumish russet potatoes
1 stick of butter, room temp.
1/4 cup milk
Salt and Pepper to taste

Wash and peel potatoes. Don't be too concerned about peeling them perfectly. Cut them into 1-2 inch size pieces. Take a large pot and fill it 1/2 full of water. Place pot on stove and turn heat to high. Gently pour all potato pieces in water. Don't wait for the water to come to a boil before you add your potatoes, this will result in the outside of the potatoes cooking and the inside not. Cover and cook potatoes on rapid boil for 15 minutes, check to see if fork tender. If not, cook for another couple minutes and then check again. When potatoes are fork tender remove pot from heat using oven mits. Crack the lid slightly to the side and drain all the water from the potatoes. Immediately unwrap your stick of butter and drop it in the pot with the potatoes. Cover and let sit for a few minutes, allowing the butter to melt. When butter has melted, pour in milk. Using a masher, smash potatoes roughly. You aren't trying to make them smooth. Salt and Pepper to taste. Serve immediately smothered in Pea Gravy.

I hope you enjoy this humble little meal as much as I do!

image by Briana


  1. I'm SO glad you posted this recipe! My gram used to make it when I was little and it was always my fav (though she made it with baby new pototoes). I've always wondered how to make it. I'm definitely making this soon!

  2. Man even though it's lunch time I think I want some now!

  3. Oh I'm going to LOVE this one. Yum. Also I love the picture in my mind of you whisking vigorously. :) On a side note, do you think this is the same sauce used with egg gravy? I remember Zoob's step-mom making that once and I've been dying to have it again ever since.

  4. I made this a few days ago and my little boys loved it, along with my husband as well! So simple, but very good! I don't think my sauce got as thick as it was supposed to though... I used 1% milk and then noticed that you recommended whole or 2%. Could I have done anything wrong to make the sauce so runny?

  5. Frosted Productions-

    Thanks for your comment and question! There could be a few things going on. The fact you used 1% milk really wouldn't change the consistency too much, but I would suggest increasing the flour to 3 tbs and the butter to 3 tbs. Make sure you give the white sauce time to bubble and thicken before you add the peas. There is a chance that the sauce could get too thick, but this happens to me all the time and all you need to do is splash in a little milk and it will thin it out beautifully.

    Hope this helps!
